store policy

Welcome to visit ("this website"). These online shopping terms and conditions, privacy policy terms, personal information collection statement and disclaimer apply to your browsing and use of this website. You acknowledge that Transactions to purchase goods or services from WomenX Biotech (the "Company") through this website. Please read the shopping terms and conditions, privacy policy terms, personal information collection statement and disclaimer of this website carefully before using this website. Your use of this website or any part thereof indicates that you agree and have read the website's online shopping terms and conditions, privacy policy terms, personal information collection statement and disclaimer, and that you accept and agree to be bound by the relevant terms and conditions.


1. Online shopping terms and conditions

  1. The selling prices and discounts of all products are subject to the information currently displayed on this website.

  2. All items are billed in Hong Kong dollars.

  3. You must complete the information on the online billing form to conduct online transactions.

  4. The pictures and information in the online store are for reference only. Due to problems such as shooting lighting and color differences on different monitors, there may be color differences between the product pictures and the actual product. The actual product shall prevail.

  5. After receiving your order information, our company will make final confirmation and arrange delivery or self-pickup as soon as possible based on the supply of the goods.

  6. The Company reserves the right to change the prices of goods without prior notice. All orders are subject to the Company’s sole discretion and are subject to confirmation of stock availability.

  7. After your online transaction is completed, we will send a shopping receipt to your email address, but all orders are subject to the availability of the relevant goods before final confirmation.

  8. After confirming the order, if you notify you of a change of address during the delivery of the goods, the company reserves the right to charge you additional delivery fees.

  9. All orders are subject to the availability of the relevant goods before final confirmation. If the Company is unable to provide any goods or services on your order, we will notify you by phone or email on or before your requested delivery date to arrange a refund. The company needs to review whether your reasons for returning or exchanging goods are sufficient, and reserves the right to refuse any return request.

  10. You must check whether the ordered goods are damaged when receiving the goods. If you find that the goods are damaged (including wrong pages or reverse printing, upside down or missing pages, excluding intentional damage), please notify our customer service department within 14 days from the delivery date to arrange for the replacement of the goods.

  11. Except for the refund or return situation listed in items 8 and 9 above, our company and this website do not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect risks, losses and damages caused by your use of this website for transactions, and you should bear it yourself. risk.

  12. The company will try its best to ensure that the goods are delivered to the address before the delivery date based on the address you provided. If due to your reasons, the goods are not successfully delivered after 60 days after the delivery date, the company reserves the right to refuse any request for a refund. Right to apply.

  13. Once the packaging of all goods is opened, returns will not be made for non-quality reasons.

  14. Products damaged due to your personal reasons (such as self-modification, [other reasons]), improper storage, and normal wear and tear of the product will not be returned.

  15. Product quality problems caused by unauthorized maintenance, misuse, neglect, abuse, accidents, alterations, incorrect installation, or torn or altered labels, anti-counterfeiting marks, etc. will not be returned or exchanged.

  16. Products with gifts, packaged products, gift packages, and products in sets cannot be partially returned.

  17. If the goods are damaged or lost for any reason due to improper handling and return shipping, the risk is borne by the buyer, and [online store] will not make any compensation or refund.

  18. All non-quality issues require return or exchange of goods, and the freight will be borne by the buyer.

  19. When returning or exchanging goods, please be sure to keep the original brand packaging box or bag, inner accessories, labels, instructions, etc. in good condition. The delivery note and delivery express receipt (if there is an invoice or gift) must be returned together with the goods. If the returned goods lack a delivery note, a delivery receipt, or the packaging is damaged/lost, we will not be able to process it for you even during the return or exchange period.

  20. In the event of any dispute arising from refund or return, the Company reserves the right to make the final decision.

  21. If our company is unable to accurately provide the goods you need due to force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters, fires, floods, accidents, riots, wars, government policies, strikes or any situation beyond our control) or The company will not assume any responsibility or compensation for any services provided.

  22. You must acknowledge that the content provided on this website, including but not limited to: text, files, music, sound files, photos, videos, graphics or advertising content is only for you to browse online and is protected by copyright, trademark, patent or other rights. Intellectual property legal protection. You may download content protected by intellectual property rights only for private or non-commercial use. You must keep the entire content and may not reproduce, copy, distribute or create derivative works from the downloaded content without the prior written consent of this website.

  23. You may not use the contents of this website for illegal purposes. You are solely responsible for the information transmission process. This website reserves the right to prohibit any illegal behavior that is harmful to the company and third parties, but the company, this website and its employees and directors will not assume any responsibility for your online behavior or inaction. To avoid losses, you must abide by local and overseas laws and shall not engage in illegal activities including but not limited to the following:

  24. Activities that infringe on others' privacy and damage reputation, such as defamation, slander, harassment, stalking, threats, etc.; and

  25. Produce and disseminate inappropriate, abusive, defamatory, infringing, obscene, immoral or illegal information.

  26. Except for the contract parties of this online shopping, no other person or company has the right to enforce the terms of online shopping in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, Article 623 of the Laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

  27. These terms and conditions will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China ("Hong Kong"). You agree that the courts of Hong Kong shall be non-exclusive courts.

  28. Each part of these Terms and Conditions shall apply only to the extent permitted by such law. If any part of these Terms is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, only the prohibited or unenforceable part will be declared invalid in that jurisdiction, but this will not invalidate the remaining parts of these Terms or make that part invalid in other jurisdictions. The validity, legality or enforceability of the District will not be affected.

  29. The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at its absolute discretion.

  30. In case of any dispute, the company reserves the right to make the final decision.


2. Privacy Policy Terms

The terms of this Privacy Policy explain WomenX Biotech (the “Company”) and its website ("this website") practices in collecting, retaining, storing and sharing personal information. WomenX Biotech reserves the right to modify this "Privacy Policy Terms" and the relevant modifications will be posted on this website.

Both our company and this website respect the privacy rights of those who provide personal data to our websites and comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

1. The personal information (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) collected by the Company from this website may include but is not limited to the following:

  • You must provide your name, contact address, phone number, email account, transaction history, and voluntarily provide credit card number, bank name, credit card expiration date and other relevant information to order goods or request related services;

  • The visitor's personal computer network protocol address (IP Address) and region, etc., the time when the website was visited, the browser type and the web pages visited; and

  • Some personal information may be collected through "cookies" on the Internet. Cookie files are pieces of data that are automatically stored on a website by a personal computer's Internet browser and can be accessed through that website. Cookies collect anonymous collective statistical information and do not include personal contact information such as name, address, phone number, and email address. Most Internet browsers automatically use cookie files. You can also edit your browser options to block this feature. However, you may not be able to access certain pages of this website as a result.

2. The personal information of customers collected online by this website will be used by the company to provide goods or services to you (including but not limited to contacting buyers to verify information and improve delivery arrangements), handle inquiries and complaints, and conduct service investigations. , will not be used for any direct sales, nor will it be disclosed to any person unrelated to the order. In addition, your personal data may also be transferred or disclosed to the following parties (including but not limited to) for the above purposes as necessary:

  • Providing goods or services (including but not limited to contacting buyers to verify information and perfect delivery arrangements);

  • Application, daily operation, continued use and termination of use of the goods or services provided by this website;

  • The Company's agents, suppliers, partners or any other providers of goods or services for equivalent or related purposes;

  • Verify your identity;

  • Disclose personal data to any Hong Kong government agency in compliance with any legal requirements binding on the Company; and

  • Internal statistical surveys and analyses.

3. When our company collects your personal information, we will:

  • Explain to you that the Company is collecting your personal information and the purposes for which it is collected; and

  • Describes how the Company stores personal data and how you can view, change and delete your stored personal data.

  • Our company has internal employee codes to ensure that employees will not use your information for purposes other than those specified above, and to remind employees that they must keep your personal information confidential. No matter how your personal information is stored, access will only be limited to our employees who have been authorized to access such information. All personal data stored electronically will be protected by encryption and can only be accessed by authorized personnel of Ming Pao Education Publishing Company Limited. Employees designated to process personal data will only be instructed to process it in accordance with the provisions of this personal data collection statement.

  • If for any reason (including recovering any money you owe the Company from you), it is necessary for the Company to take action against you in legal proceedings, you expressly agree to use your information in identifying you and taking legal action against you. When taking action, we can rely on the personal information you provide.

  • The Company retains your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which your personal data was collected. The Company may also retain personal data files for statistical purposes. Such data will be deleted or destroyed until it no longer serves any direct or relevant purpose.


3. Statement on collection of personal information

1. The information you provide to WomenX Biotech (the "Company") or its website (the "Website") is collected as necessary for the Company to conduct its business and will not be used for any direct marketing. It will not be disclosed to any person not related to the order, but may be used for the following purposes:

  • For the Company to provide goods or services to you (including but not limited to contacting you to verify information and improve delivery arrangements);
  • Any modification, alteration or cancellation of the goods or services in item i above;
  • Application, daily operation, continued use and termination of use of the goods or services provided by this website;
  • Any purpose of handling inquiries and complaints, and conducting service investigations;
  • Verify your identity; and
  • Internal statistical surveys and analyses.

2. The Company will retain your personal information until it no longer serves any direct or relevant purpose, and then delete or destroy the information.


4. Disclaimer

1. WomenX Biotech’s website The information contained in ("this website") is prepared and produced for the various goods or services provided by its holding and affiliated companies on this website. WomenX Biotech ("the company") is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this website. No guarantees are made.

2. Unless otherwise noted, the goods, services and contents of this website are provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty. Users agree to bear the risks related to the use of this website. . 3. According to the restrictions allowed by the Control of Disclaimers Ordinance (Cap.71) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, this website does not assume any liability for damages arising from the use of this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, joint, consequential and punitive damages. losses. 4. The company (including this website) will try its best to keep the personal information stored in the system of this website confidential and protect it from unnecessary theft and use. However, due to the nature of the Internet, the company cannot fully guarantee the security and confidentiality of data transmission. Warranties or representations. If you find that your personal information has been disclosed without authorization, please contact our Data Protection Officer immediately. 5. Other websites linked to this website may also collect your personal information. The privacy policy terms of this website will not apply to personal information collected when visitors link to other websites from this website and continue to read other websites. You are responsible for the relevant risks. Our company is not responsible for the information contained in links to other websites. No responsibility is assumed for accuracy, effectiveness, safety or for any omissions. 6. When you purchase goods or services from this website online, the online payment system you use may not necessarily be processed within this website. When you use an online payment system other than this website, you must understand and understand the terms and conditions of the online payment system website. Information such as the stated usage policy and privacy policy terms. The privacy policy terms of this website will not apply to all online payment system websites. 7. The company and this website expressly state that they will not be responsible for any representations, promises, guarantees or responsibilities for any goods or services on this website. Without limiting the general applicability of the above terms, our company and this website do not guarantee:

  • The accuracy, reliability or completeness of the goods or services on this website does not accept any liability for any loss or compensation caused by inaccuracies or omissions (including but not limited to contract, defamation, tort law or other aspects). responsibility);
  • the suitability for any particular purpose of using the goods or services or any content on this website, or the standard of quality of the goods or services or any content;
  • The goods or services on this website will be uninterrupted or error-free.
  • The company and this website expressly state that they will not be liable to you or anyone for any loss caused directly or indirectly, comprehensively or partially, due to the negligence of this website in promoting, combining, interpreting, editing, reporting or distributing any content. In all cases, our company and this website will not be liable to you or anyone for any loss caused directly or indirectly related to the goods or services, including loss of profits or loss of savings, nor will we be liable to you or anyone else for any loss caused by any third party. bear any responsibility for making claims related to the goods or services on this website. The Company and this website also state that they will not be held responsible for any obstruction or suspension of the service or part thereof due to events or circumstances beyond the Company's control.